Black Studies

Black Studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores Africa and the African Diaspora (the global dispersion of people of African ancestry), including the Americas, Britain, and Europe. Thus, African Americans, Afro Caribbeans, Afro Asians, Afro Latinos, and Afro Europeans are among those whose histories and contributions are included in Black Studies. As an interdisciplinary program, Black Studies is devoted to scholarship on the histories, political and cultural movements, institution-building, and identities of people of African ancestry. It includes the exploration of the rich cultural heritage, legacy of resistance to oppressive structures, and unique perspectives on human rights supplied by peoples of African descent. The Black Studies curriculum includes courses in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences to provide students with an understanding of the far-reaching impacts of race and ethnicity across continents. By engaging in a comparative and theoretical examination of Africa and the African Diaspora, students will be equipped to undertake an interdisciplinary scholarly analysis of various complex global questions.

BLST 1101 Black Lives Matter    3 Credits

Attributes: ASTH American Studies Theme Course, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, MSID Magis Core: Interdisciplinary, PJST Peace and Justice Studies

In the context of Ferguson, Charleston, and other national crises, this course responds to the call of students from our campus community to raise questions about and critically reflect upon the failures of democracy to recognize the value of Black Life. This course employs collective thinking, teaching, and research to focus on questions surrounding race, structural inequality, and violence. It examines the historical, geographical, cultural, social, and political ways in which race has been configured and deployed in the United States. Various faculty will bring to bear their respective scholarly lenses so that students understand race and racism across intellectual disciplines. Previously BL 0101.

BLST 4990 Independent Study    1-3 Credits

Attributes: BSCP Black Studies Capstone Course, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course

Upon request and by agreement with a professor in the program, a Black Studies minor may conduct a one-semester independent study on a defined research topic or field of study. Previously BL 0398.


King (History)

Advisory Committee

Babo (Sociology, International Studies)
Brunn-Bevel (Sociology and Anthropology)
Garvey (English)
Hardy, C. (Religious Studies)
Hohl (History)
King (History)
Lacy (Sociology and Anthropology)
Torff (Visual and Performing Arts)