Russian (RUSN)
RUSN 1110 Elementary Russian I 3 Credits
Attributes: RECS Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies, RSLG Russian Studies Minor: Language
Designed for students with no prior experience with Russian or whose placement scores are in the range for this course level. This course, the first in a two-semester sequence, teaches the essentials of pronunciation, structure, and usage, allowing students to acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language cultures are explored through a variety of media. Students attend three classes per week and do mandatory online work determined by the instructor. Previously RU 0110.
RUSN 1111 Elementary Russian II 3 Credits
Attributes: RECS Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies, RSLG Russian Studies Minor: Language
Prerequisite: RUSN 1110.
This course, a continuation of RUSN 1110, teaches the essentials of pronunciation, structure, and usage, allowing students to acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language cultures are explored through a variety of media. Students attend three classes per week and do mandatory online work determined by the instructor. Previously RU 0111.
RUSN 2210 Intermediate Russian I 3 Credits
Attributes: RECS Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies, RSLG Russian Studies Minor: Language
Prerequisite: RUSN 1111.
This course, the first in a two-semester sequence, prepares students to continue the study of language on a more advanced level, and includes review of essential points of grammar, vocabulary building, and regular practice in speaking and writing. The language cultures are explored through a wide variety of materials (literary texts, press articles, films, etc). Students attend three classes per week and do mandatory online work determined by the instructor. Previously RU 0210.
RUSN 2211 Intermediate Russian II 3 Credits
Attributes: RECS Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies, RSLG Russian Studies Minor: Language
Prerequisite: RUSN 2210.
This course, a continuation of RUSN 2210, prepares students to continue the study of language on a more advanced level, and includes review of essential points of grammar, vocabulary building, and regular practice in speaking and writing. The language cultures are explored through a wide variety of materials (literary texts, press articles, films, etc). Students attend three classes per week and do mandatory online work determined by the instructor. Previously RU 0211.