Arabic (ARBC)

ARBC 1110 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I    3 Credits

The first course, the first of a two-semester sequence, teaches the essentials of phonology, script, structure, and usage, allowing students to acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the standard means of communicating in the Arab world. Teaching is proficiency-based, implying that all activities within the courses are aimed at placing student learners in the context of the native-speaking environment. Previously AR 0110.

ARBC 1111 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II    3 Credits

Prerequisite: ARBC 1110.

A continuation of ARBC 1110, this course teaches the essentials of phonology, script, structure, and usage, allowing students to acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the standard means of communicating in the Arab world. Teaching is proficiency-based, implying that all activities within the courses are aimed at placing student learners in the context of the native-speaking environment. Previously AR 0111.

ARBC 2210 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I    3 Credits

Prerequisite: ARBC 1111.

This course, the first in a two-semester sequence, continues to build upon the skills acquired in the first-year course. Emphasis will be placed upon improving grammar, listening comprehension, and speaking and reading skills. Students will gain confidence in conversing with native speakers on a variety of topics, will be able to write more complex texts on everyday themes, and will acquire the skills to read uncomplicated authentic texts, such as newspaper articles on familiar topics. Previously AR 0210.

ARBC 2211 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II    3 Credits

Prerequisite: ARBC 2210.

A continuation of ARBC 2210, this course continues to build upon the skills acquired in the first-year course. Emphasis will be placed upon improving grammar, listening comprehension, and speaking and reading skills. Students will gain confidence in conversing with native speakers on a variety of topics, will be able to write more complex texts on everyday themes, and will acquire the skills to read uncomplicated authentic texts, such as newspaper articles on familiar topics. Previously AR 0211.

ARBC 3990 Independent Study    3 Credits

Students undertake readings and studies in a specialized area of Arabic language and culture, under the direction of a staff member. Designed to fill the special needs of specific students, this course is offered at the discretion of the department chair. Enrollment by permission only. Previously AR 0381-0382.