Master of Arts in Communication

To earn the Master of Arts degree in Communication, students select from one of two tracks. Graduate students in the MA in Communication Program will be required to decide, no later than the start of their tenth course in the Program, which track they intend to pursue.

Graduate students matriculating in the MA in Communication Program at the time these changes are approved by all necessary committees, etc. will be legacied into this new option and prior to enrolling in their tenth course, or COMM 6961 or COMM 6971 (if currently enrolled in their tenth course), may elect to enroll in the non-thesis track detailed below.

Thesis/Project Track

This track culminates in an independent research exploration of some scope and originality, completed under the close supervision of a Communication Department faculty member and a second faculty reader. The student chooses a topic and provides a prospectus and literature review to faculty and reader. The research typically results in a thesis, but proposals for more individualized and creative projects are welcome. Theses or projects must be completed within one year of their registration.

COMM 5400Communication Philosophies, Theories, and Research Traditions3
COMM 5401Communication Research Design and Methodologies3
COMM 5402Ethics and Communication3
COMM 6961Project Proposal3
or COMM 6971 Thesis Proposal
COMM 6962Independent Project3
or COMM 6972 Thesis Research
Select 7 additional graduate courses 121
Total Credits36

Of these elective courses:

  • Two may be from outside the Communication department
  • One may be an internship
  • One may be an independent study

Non-Thesis Track

COMM 5400Communication Philosophies, Theories, and Research Traditions3
COMM 5401Communication Research Design and Methodologies3
COMM 5402Ethics and Communication3
Select 9 additional graduate courses 127
Total Credits36

Of these elective courses:

  • Two may be from outside the Communication department
  • One may be an internship (a student must complete 6 courses (50%) in the program before conducting an internship)
  • One may be an independent study

Program’s Learning Outcomes

The ultimate goal of this degree is for students to develop a research-based approach to understanding message design. Therefore, students should be able to translate communication-based research findings into their professional and personal lives. Thus, this graduate program should allow students to:

  • Improve their scholarly research skills & understanding of communication theory, research, and application.
  • Enhance their abilities to interact with confidence & trust.
  • Recognize the value of graduate educational opportunities as a way to accomplish professional goals & personal growth, and.
  • Demonstrate the value of encouraging and promoting diversity in all communication contexts.

Accelerated BA/MA Program

The Department of Communication offers an accelerated BA/MA program in Communication. Interested students should apply during the spring of their Junior year.

Upon acceptance, students will work directly with the Graduate Director to develop a plan of study. Students will remain at the undergraduate level, but are allowed to register for two graduate classes during their senior year. One class should be COMM 5401, which will replace COMM 4999. Accelerated students are expected to enroll in a communication elective as needed to ensure that ten undergraduate communication courses are taken to complete the major.

During their final semester, typically in the spring, students will need to apply to the program officially to become a matriculated graduate student upon completion of their undergraduate degree.

Eligibility Requirements

Full-time, matriculated students in the Department of Communication may apply to the MA in Communication Program if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • GPA of 3.20 or higher
  • Completion of at least 96 credits prior to the start of their senior year