School of Record for American Institute for Foreign Study in the United Kingdom

ACCT 200: Introduction to Accounting for Decision Makers                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level accounting course

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Accounting

This course introduces accounting for decision makers. At its core, this course might be described as managerial accounting, whose flexible framework lends itself well to a comparative approach and the context of study abroad. Student will gain an overview of the role and methods of accountants through classroom learning and experiential methods which take them out into the city of London. Topics include the roles of accountants, the use of accounting information for organizational planning and control, the analysis of accounting data for solving business problems, and an exposure to how financial reporting communicates business results.

ANTH/AHST 335: London’s Museums and Galleries                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Art History or Art course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Art History

Enjoy the richness and diversity of its museums and galleries over 250 art institutions in London, museums, galleries and visual experience of the different art forms including media. Explore the role of philanthropy in establishing museum and galleries, debates around repatriation of objects; public funding for the arts; curating styles and marketing of the arts, including the role of social media and innovation to better understand the development of the museum and galleries in London and the challenges they face today. Enjoy experiential learning with visits to museums, galleries such as the British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and Tate Modern, along with Sir John Soane’s House, Leighton House Museum and Whitechapel Gallery.  

ANTH/SOCI 345: Global Cuisine and Food Culture in Britain                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Anthropology or Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Anthropology

Explore the role of the British Empire in assimilating and appropriating global cuisines and the cultural impact this has had on the communities and introduce students to European legislation and how it created classifications to promote regionally important food products while analyzing recent challenges between the EU and the UK over fisheries and how the scope of our global cuisine may be impacted by the UK leaving the EU, and “Brexit.” Students will apply creative and original thinking by drawing lessons from global food cultures in how to address issues such as the rise in food banks, food waste, the rise of obesity and other health issues, welfare of animals, global warming.

ARTH 330: European Art, Culture and Society                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory and intermediate Art History

School of Record Articulation:  3000 Level Art History

This course is a contextual introduction to European art, architecture and cultural history. Supplementing classroom-based learning with extensive visits to museums, galleries and places of historical interest it offers a survey of art in Italy over the last two centuries and gives students an opportunity to see for themselves many of the works studied. Beginning with the art of Antiquity, onto the Medieval World, the Renaissance, Enlightenment, Impressionism, Modernism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada & Surrealism the course enables students to recognise and critically analyze art movements and styles and understand how they both shape and are shaped by the society and era in which they are created.

AHST/SOCI 380 Art and Activism                                                                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite:  One college level Art History course

School of Record Articulation:  3000 Level Art History

This course examines the relationship between art and society and considers how artists use their work to impact political activism and social change. Students will explore the impact of activist art throughout history in local galleries, engaging in discussions with guest speakers in London and Amsterdam, also consider how the work of activist artists helps develop social awareness and empowers both individuals and communities. Students will critically engage with how art in its various form effects, environment, race, gender, sexuality, war, civil rights, nationalism and religion, and observe the creativity, tactics and organization skills employed by artists.

BUSI/ECON 301: Europe and the Global Economy                                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Business or Economics course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Economics

Specific economic goals and achievements of the onetime eastern bloc countries as they strive to establish functioning market economies. The effects of these developments on the economy of Europe and the world. Changed roles of international institutions (EC, IMF, World Bank), their consequences and multinational business opportunities are also discussed.

BUSI/ECON 313: International Management Strategies                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Business or Economics course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Management

Students learn features of strategic management and planning and their application in an international field; Instruments such as a scenario-technique and portfolio analysis are practiced and students also learn to create their own strategies.

BUSI/MGMT 315: Communication Skills for Management                                          3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Business or Economics course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Management

The course will focus on planning for effective communication and working visually using various media as well as how to make effective presentations. Students are expected to present ideas to the class and accept constructive criticism from the group.

COMM 305: British Media                                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite:  One college level Communications course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Communication

Students introduced to key aspects of mass-media in Britain, how it evolved over time and it’s functions today, also the development and content of British mass media, the machinations of the country’s powerful “fourth estate” over the last 75 years.

The course will emphasize the British traditions and practices that have influenced the evolution of broadcasting (television and radio) and the press and provide a comparative approach between media in Britain and the US. Within this framework, the course will demonstrate how political, cultural, commercial, regulatory, and editorial issues shape the media we manufacture and consume.

COMM 455: Intercultural Communication                                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: Two college level Communications courses

School of Record Articulation: 4000 Level Communication

This course aims to fully engage with students’ experience of living in a different country by introducing communication between people from different cultures and backgrounds, also make use of London as a learning resource, focusing on the application of theory and research as well as contextualizing the everyday encounters that students experience with individuals from other cultures during their stay. The course will introduce students to theories including the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model and Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity and Intercultural Development Inventory, also gain an understanding of international cultures, value systems social structures and institutions including health care, education and social class.

CRIM 333: Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice                                           3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Criminal Justice or Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

This course will provide a global, comparative approach to the study of criminal behavior and criminal justice systems. Applying both a sociological and scientific approach, the course will analyze types of crime and its control, examining corrections, courts and policing around the world, with special focus on the UK and the US. Teaching methods will be by lecture, discussion and fieldtrips across the city of London to help students better understand the history of crime and its control in the UK. Comparisons between the US and UK perspectives and approaches in relation to similar crime types will be a focal point of the course.

EDUC 325: Comparative Education Systems                                                                    3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introduction to Education and Intermediate Education Administration

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Education

This course will introduce students to comparative education systems of the UK, Europe and North America and the relationship that the education systems have with their respective societies. The course will draw on experiential site visits and emphasize the key components of the evolution of the English education system, from the setting up of “public schools” to the introduction of the 11+ test and the establishment of the Academies school system and explore the direct impact educational developments have had on the economy, skill formation, and social inclusion and mobility issues in England. Common controversies and contemporary debates such as the role of education in social mobility, social justice and issues of inclusion and exclusion will be explored and compared to those of other nations.

ENGL 300: Travel and Identity                                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intermediate college level course in English Literature

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

This course introduces students to a variety of different forms of literary text which describe travel in Europe—from poetry and novel to travel writing and journals—but which also open up complex questions about the identity of travelers themselves. The experience of being exposed to new cultures and contexts can destabilize a traveler’s sense of their private self or cause them to reflect on how others perceive them in ways they would not at home. This course asks students to reflect on their own experience in weekly journal entries alongside responding to literary texts in essay and presentation work.

HUMN 302: Bibliotherapy and the Art of Reading                                                         3 credits

Prerequisite: One college level English course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

Introduction to the history of reading and bibliotherapy; reading for personal development; the library beyond the book; book censorship; literature and cultural appropriation; welfare reading; reading for self-care and childhood reading.

ENGL 320: Creative Writing                                                                                                   3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level writing course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

This course will provide students the opportunity to develop their creative writing within the context of contemporary British fiction, introduce the approaches taken by various British novelists and short story writers along with exploring those very areas that have inspired a variety of British writing. With London as a resource and inspiration for creative writing. London’s own literary scene will be explored to offer the perfect context for students to explore their own creative powers. Textual analysis will be used to help students to better understand and manipulate different forms and techniques adopted by a variety of diverse British writers and improve their own writing.

ENGL/THTR 315: British Drama – from Shakespeare to Modern Day                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level English or Theater course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

This course will introduce students to one of the richest components of London life – its theatre and drama scene and focusing on exciting and contemporary plays, ranging from enchanting to hilarious to shocking, reflecting some of the more provocative staged works. The course will look at the role of the Artistic Director in the UK, at the variety of different drama available, at the imagination behind adaptations of renowned works such as Shakespeare’s plays and their impact, and at new writing and the way in which it might challenge preconceptions of theatre as a “high culture” form of art.

ENVS 345: London – Sustainable City                                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Environmental Science, Political Science, Sustainability or related course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Environmental Studies

This course will focus on the importance of sustainability for Britain, an island nation, and explore how the nation is responding to the global challenge. Students will be asked to apply a critical approach to issues including creating a green economy, investing in sustainable transportation systems, renewable power sources, flood defenses and dealing with waste, focusing closely on urban regeneration projects in London, one of the world’s global cities, students will be required to critically analyze the legacy of urban initiatives such as the 2012 London Olympics, and Beddington Zero Emissions Developments (BedZED), Hackbridge.

FILM 285: European Cinema                                                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level course in Film, or advisor approval

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Film Studies

This course examines major developments in European cinema and film in its historical, cultural, social, political, industrial, and aesthetic contexts also analyzing significant movements in cinema, such as the French New Wave and Italian neorealism, and their historical backdrops, also the industry itself will focus on the production, distribution, exhibition, and reception of films and focusing on critical issues of migration, race, class, gender, and sexuality, along with concepts such as nation, nationality, and nationalism. A study tour which begins in London, traveling on to Paris and then Rome, three influential cities in European Cinema history, and will visit film studios and museums, walking tours of film locations.

GEST/HIST/SOCI 355: LGBTQ+ in Britain                                                                            3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Gender Studies, History, or Sociology course or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

Explore how Western culture came to view sex, gender and sexuality in the ways that we do, and how culture can shift our perspective of what’s “normal” and introduce students beyond binary definitions and question popular and problematic assumptions about sex, gender and identity in the UK today. It will introduce some of the key theories and thinkers and address the way in which these activists have helped shape UK law from the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1967 under the Sexual Offences Act in 1967 to present day legislation and address contemporary movements and debates including tensions between women’s right, transgender people and the legal status of non-binary people.

HIST 370: The British Monarchy Throughout the Ages                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level History course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level History

This course will provide an overview of how the British Monarchy has evolved, through very tumultuous times, outlining the changing role and function of the monarchy within our society over time. Using London as a resource, the life of the Royals from 1066 to the present day will be examined through field trips to renowned locations such as the Tower of London, Hampton Court and Buckingham Palace, also introduce students to concepts such as constitutional monarchy, the privy council, Royal prerogative and Royal Assent and explore ways in which these have historically shaped and continue to shape our current society. Students will be expected to engage and critically analyze debates in contemporary British society, such as constitutional reform.

HIST 375: London: 2000 Years of History                                                                           3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level History course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level History

Study London’s history through the ages. Journey through its Bronze Age beginnings and the city’s foundation by the Romans, onto the Plague, the Great Fire of London, Henry VIII and his many wives, the Blitz, all the way to modern day London. Understand what has made London the cosmopolitan, financial and cultural center that it is today. The course will focus upon the economic, political and social history of the city and students will learn about London’s history through fieldtrips to important sites in London and via class lectures and discussions.

HIST/POLI 355: Europe and Britain                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level History or Political Science course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Politics

Explore the success and failures of the EU and evaluate its viability and future, in particular against the backdrop of “Brexit” or Britain’s exit from the EU, also the founding principles of the EU, its treaties, the decision surrounding the introduction of a central currency, its relationship with other nations such as the USA and ask students to examine its strengths and weaknesses in political, social and economic terms. In particular the historic relationship between Britain, often regarded in simplistic terms as “the reluctant European” and the EU, challenging some of the preconceived notions about this relationship and questioning the perceived inevitability of the rupture and where it will lead.

HIST/SOCI 335: British Life and Culture                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level History

The British Life & Culture course seeks to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of key aspects of contemporary British cultures and society, socially, culturally, historically and experiential learning, drawing on student experiences as they familiarize themselves with their host nation. Explore how we contextualize culture, history and language in order to frame a cultural group, using an interdisciplinary approach. Students will be expected to engage and critically analyze debates in contemporary British society and be required to apply a comparative approach between British and American identities and value systems with the overarching aim of helping to develop a broad understanding of their host country, with its idiosyncrasies, evaluate and respond to their experiential context.  

HLST 335: Comparative Healthcare Systems                                                                    3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to healthcare plus intermediate healthcare systems coursework, or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Nursing/Health Studies

This course will introduce students to the comparative health care systems of the UK, Europe and North America and the relationship that the health care systems have within their respective societies. The course will draw on experiential site visits and emphasize the key components of the evolution of the national health care system in the UK, (the NHS), its origins and intentions, and its strengths and weaknesses as a single payer universal health care system that is free at the point of delivery. Common controversies and contemporary debates such as the sustainability of universal healthcare, funding issues and the role of social care, provision for seniors and mental health wellbeing will also be explored. The course will invite students to gain a comparative perspective on the European healthcare systems in relation to others, including their own in order to gain an understanding of the different models, their value systems and the effectiveness of each.

INTN 310: International Internship                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: Sophomore or junior level standing

Corequisite: Students are required to enroll in the 3-credit/45-hour course HIST/SOCI 335 British Life and Culture to complement their experience

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level General Elective

The International Internship program combines practical work experience in a foreign country with structured preparation and reflection opportunities. The course aims at providing students of any discipline and majors with the professional skills required by today’s culturally diverse working environment. The placement opportunity will help students think about their own skills, those they would need to acquire according to their professional plans, and whether their own professional paths are coherent with their goals. The ideal internship placement is a coordination between the skills and personality that an organization is seeking and those which a student presents. Each student should approach the program with cultural awareness and flexibility.

MKTG 425: Luxury Brand Management                                                                            3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 4000 Level Marketing

The module probes the essence of luxury brand management and explores the market responses towards the luxury brands within the various cultures and provide a strategic perspective on the dynamic characteristics and opportunities associated with luxury brand management in a global context and examine the main forms of management in relation to the luxury goods and luxury services industry. The module also discusses the new challenges and consideration around the luxury industry such as corporate social responsibility, sustainability movements and environmental issues. It covers the different approaches required in the management of branded luxury goods and the provision of luxury experiences and their underlying rationales.

MKTG 345: Fashion Marketing and Communications                                                   3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Fashion, Marketing, or Communication course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Marketing

This course introduces students to marketing in the context of the fashion industry. Students will learn about the role of marketing communication, its cross-functional importance and its contribution to fashion business success. Topics covered include the marketing planning process, modern fashion communication, segmentation, the internal and external marketing environment, and the marketing mix in the world of fashion. The course also examines the spectacular evolution of fashion from small dressmakers’ workshops serving the elite to an explosion into mainstream global consumption in which marketing and communication principles revolutionized the business of fashion forever.

POLI 307: Protection of Human Rights                                                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Politics

This course deals with fundamental questions of human rights protection and critically analyses legal aspects and achievements regarding human rights on the international universal and regional level, on the level of the EU and also on the national level. The course evaluates the role of international human rights protection and monitoring systems and deals with problems and challenges for the existing protection schemes. Human rights protection within the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe and other International Organizations (e.g. OAS) are key focuses of interest. Current topics will be addressed in the introductory sessions, through oral presentations by students and in class discussions.

POLI 315: World Politics                                                                                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level course in Politics or similar

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Politics

Explore the nature of contemporary world politics, current processes and developments in global politics the role and power of a variety of political and economic actors, such as governments, international organizations, and multinational corporations. Students will explore the workings of organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund, and become familiar with policy debates surrounding these key institutions of political and economic governance, also be introduced to some of the key issues and developments in world politics and examine the different economic, political and philosophical influences on world politics and the contribution of Keynes, Hayek and Marx to this area of study.

POLI 332: British Politics                                                                                                        3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Political Science course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Politics

This course will introduce students to key institutions, parliamentary norms and practices within British politics and examine their relationship with one another. It will provide an overview of how British Parliamentary democracy has evolved and outline the key functions of the monarchy, the executive, Parliament and its two Chambers and the judiciary. It will introduce students to our electoral and legal system, and to the political parties and how represent themselves and are represented. Students will be expected to engage and critically analyze debates in contemporary British society, such as constitutional reform, Britain’s departure from the European Union (Brexit), gender debates and attitudes to immigration.

PSYC 310: Cross-Cultural Psychology                                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: One 200-level Social Psychology course or an equivalent and or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Psychology

Explore human behavior from the social point of view and in a cross-cultural perspective, both in theory and in practice. The focus will be on Italy and the Italians, cross-cultural psychology, through elements of sociology, ecology, anthropology, biology, sociology, get the opportunity to discuss the shaping and deployment of human attitudes, behavior, values, communication process and social organization. Specific attention will be devoted to issues such as the individual vs the social, mental health and cross-cultural communication. Students will engage in field research, conducting interviews on topics related to their own study abroad experience while visiting various locations in Rome and Italy.

PSYC 315: The Science of Wellbeing                                                                                   3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Psychology

This course will provide an interdisciplinary overview of wellbeing as a scientific construct, with its underpinning biological, psychological, cultural and social determinants, exploring the factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals and populations and develop an understanding of wellbeing as relatively new concept (WHO, 1948) and its main current and emerging perspectives, rooted in psychology, neuropsychology and social behavior theories and focus on some specific topics, such as quality of life, happiness, resilience and what factors promote them; creativity and the arts and how these are being used to improve health and wellbeing, in everyday life, and healthcare systems (i.e. art therapy and music therapy to improve physical and mental health conditions).

PSYC 320: Theories of Personality                                                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Psychology

This course provides an overview of the major personality theories and perspectives and the factors that influence human behavior. It is hoped that students will be able to incorporate the most useful aspects of each theoretical approach and synthesize them to develop their own perspective regarding the nature of human personality development and functioning.

PSYC 340: The Psychology of Ageing                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite:  One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Psychology

With increasing life expectancy, we are living in an ageing society. This course will cover three major themes in the psychology of ageing: mind, brain, and behavior. Students will discuss cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of ageing, and consider how this impact decision-making in older adults. It will explore how the brain ages, and how these neurological changes affect memory, attention and other aspects of cognition. The drivers of healthy ageing will be discussed, as well as neurodegenerative disorders associated with abnormal ageing. Students will be asked to engage with the aging process and the elderly and their experiences of ageing within contemporary British and U.S. societies.

PSYC 345: Narrative Psychology: Making Sense of Ourselves                                     3 credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Psychology

This course will discuss the development of narrative psychology and the assertion that stories and storytelling provide meaning to individuals’ experience, shape their memories of past events and their understanding of the future, and importantly serve to define the self, also introduce students to a range of perspectives and issues in the area of narrative, self and identity. Students will be encouraged to critically assess the course material, as well as to engage with guest speakers and their stories, with the learning objective of fostering an understanding of how humans deal with a range of experiences including those they encounter during their study abroad

PSYC 365: Attention Awareness: Cross Cultural and Individual Differences               3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Psychology

This course is concerned with the study of the scientific investigation of attention, an aspect of human cognition that plays a fundamental role in our awareness of the world and our engagement with it. Theories of attention will be discussed, and cross-cultural and individual differences will be considered in light of these theories. Students will be encouraged to critically engage with the material presented and to explore their own interpretations of cross-cultural differences, drawing on cultural and individual differences they experience during their study abroad experience, such as interpersonal differences towards offering help and assistance (asking for help with directions).

PSYC 430: Psychology of Ageing                                                                                          3 credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 4000 Level Psychology

With increasing life expectancy, we are living in an ageing society. This course will cover three major themes in the psychology of ageing: mind, brain, and behavior. Students will discuss cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of ageing, and consider how this impacts decision-making in older adults. It will explore how the brain ages, and how these neurological changes affect memory, attention and other aspects of cognition. The drivers of healthy ageing will be discussed, as well as neurodegenerative disorders associated with abnormal ageing. Students will be asked to engage with the aging process and the elderly and their experiences of ageing within contemporary British and US societies.

SOCI 335: Diversity in London: Minority Ethnicities, Immigration and Integration         3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology or Diversity related course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

London, one of the most diverse cities in the world, with 40% of its population born abroad and 300 different languages spoken in the capital. The focus on the character of ethnic, national and religious diversity in London and how different transnational communities have dealt with arriving, settling and living life as migrants in London during the post-war period and the 1948 British Nationality Act, and explore the experiences of minority ethnicities living in London. Through classroom teaching and field trip-based research, students will assess the way in which London has experienced the process of immigration and integration and explore the creation of complex communities whose cultures shape the modern city today.

SOCI 365: London: Global City                                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

This course will introduce London as one of the world’s most global cities, exploring the factors that contribute to its global status and the strengths and weaknesses of this urban model and how urban areas within London have emerged, changed, and grown, and explore how transportation, environmental pressures and water both constrain and facilitate growth. The course will introduce students to London life and issues such as gentrification, housing, local government, and inequality in the context of London’s diverse neighborhoods, and draw on census and spatial data on populations and communities in order to fully understand its complexities.

SOCI 375: Sport in Britain                                                                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

Examine the historic role of sport of local, national and international identities and how sports has evolved in the UK, beginning with the British role in codifying many of the major global sports (football, rugby, rowing, tennis etc.) and spreading them within the British Empire, as well as looking at how sport is used to assert national pride by the English, Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh and examine historic social structures and trends in the participation and consumption of sport, through the perspective of class, race and gender, and, analyze the role of money, power, the media and TV coverage and how they increasingly shape sport’s cultural context.

POLI/SOCI 318: London and Social Justice Movements                                                    3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology or Politics course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Politics

This course aims to develop students’ critical learning, in a respectful environment that is mindful of socio-cultural differences, explore a range of contemporary social justice issues and critically engage with debates about equality, power, structural bias, fairness, power and citizenship, and the role of history in creating conditions that uphold privilege and discrimination, and introduce students to social issues such as racial injustice, systemic discrimination based on gender and/or sexuality, rising inequality in the U.K. capital and hunger and food insecurity. Explore the role and impact of grass-roots activism, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local charities and analyze contemporary social justice campaigns like; Justice4Grenfell, Baroness Doreen Lawrence.