AIFS Global Education Center Florence

AHST 210: Italian Art: Selected Topics (Florence)                                                           1 Credit

Prerequisite: Introduction to fine art, art history, or equivalent, or advisor approval

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Art History

This course, taught during mandatory site visits to Venice and Rome, is a survey of Italian figurative art and architecture from c. 1200 to 1600. Emphasis is put on artistic techniques, styles, patronage, and the political and religious contexts in which the artists worked. During site visits to museums, palaces and churches in Florence, Rome and Venice students will have a unique opportunity to experience the works as their original viewers did and as their creators intended. Participation to Rome and Venice field trips is mandatory.

AHST 334:  Women in the Arts in Italy                                                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Art History

This course focuses on the role of women in art, presenting an overview of the female imagery in Italian art from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and beyond in its historical and cultural context. The iconographic study includes paintings of the Virgin Mary, saints and martyrs, heroines, goddesses, sibyls, wives and courtesans, outstanding female artists and the significance of social, cultural barriers to their careers and how they overcome them. Observe the world of female art patrons who have shaped the course of art history with examples from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Classroom lectures, site visits to museums and monuments in Florence, and a one-day site visit to Bologna.

AHST 340: Palaces and Villas of Florence                                                                          3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Art or Art History course, some prior historical knowledge preferable

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Art History

This course examines the development of public and domestic buildings - specifically villas, palaces – from the 12th - 17th century. The course will have an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the buildings which will be analyzed from an architecturally, historical point of view with a special focus on their public and private functions in relation to the social, political and economic evolution of Florence through the centuries. Discover the role of the great families of Florence; the Medici and the Strozzi as patrons of the city, their need to live in the public environment, their private world of the Palazzo and the Villa.

AHST 343: Otherness and Diversity in Renaissance Art                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory and intermediate art history, or equivalent, or advisor approval

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Art History

This course will address ways in which diversity such as gender, ethnicity, religion, disability have affected the history of artistic practice, patronage and viewing during the Italian Renaissance. We will explore diversity and otherness as social constructs, and investigate the ways these ideas are reflected in and created by works of art and architecture in Italy from the years 1300-1580. We will also investigate the ways in which modern and post-modern theory can be applied to the study of Renaissance art. This course will address topics such as the ways that art constructed and reflected discourses of gender and sexuality, the gender and sexuality of the artist, and the creation and use of erotic works of art, the representation of otherness in Renaissance art and the concept of diversity.

AHST/HIST 351: Origin and Evolution of Italian Costume and Fashion                    3 Credits

Prerequisite: One 200-level art history course or equivalent, or advisor approval

School of Record of Articulation: 3000 Level Art History

Fashion is intrinsically connected to the idea of nation, identity and place, and while Italian fashion at first sight appears as a contemporary project, its roots trace as far back as early modernity. This course will investigate the origins and evolution of Italian fashion, of manufacturing of costumes, dresses and fashionable wear through the renaissance and up to present, emphasizing its’ relation to arts and tradition in craftsmanship and textiles. The new area of Italian fashion making its way in the 1950s, often referred to as the birth of Italian Fashion and ‘Made In Italy’, was solidified by international relations between the US and Italy and this course will explore how it was in this context that the embodiment of a new tangible, modern and glamourous ‘Italian Style’ was born.

ANTH/HIST 360: Food Culture in Italy                                                                                3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory history or anthropology course, plus intermediate culinary or anthropology course (or equivalent), or advisor approval.

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

Explore the history of Italian food, myriad of aspects of Italy’s culture and history unfold. Through the medium of food this course aims to uncover various changes and trends in Italian history and society. Food as nourishment of body and spirit, as a social divider or unifier, as a means of communication and ultimately as a promoter of power takes us through history up until the contemporary rediscovery of ‘authentic’ and ‘traditional’ foods; a response to ongoing globalizing processes and a way to construct new social identities. An ultimate expression of this is the Slow Food Revolution, a movement initiated in Italy that has now worldwide following.

AHST 362: Museums of Florence                                                                                         3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Art, Art History course or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Art History

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the city of Florence and its renowned museums. Students are trained to comprehend the uniqueness of the artistic heritage of the city known as ‘the cradle of Renaissance’. They will have the extraordinary opportunity to experience art in its sites, often churches, as their original viewers did and their creators intended, and in museums, through the visits to the major cultural highlights of Florence such as Uffizi, Academia, Bargello, Santa Croce, and Opera del Duomo.

BUSI 340: European Union: Business and Institutions                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: Strongly recommended an Introduction to Business course or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Economics

Europe is the largest market in the world, and also the most complex and highly regulated. Numerous business regulations and directives have been implemented as a result of intense political bargaining between member countries over decades, with the aim to create a single market in which goods, services, labor and capital can move freely. Understanding the implications of this legal, political and economic complexity is essential in understanding how business and organizations operate in Europe. This course will examine the factors and influences at work in the European business environment.

COMM 340: Fashion Communication                                                                                3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Communications or Fashion course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Communications

Fashion in itself is a form of communication with both tangible and intangible elements, its visual and aesthetic value is greater than its functionality. Explore the key developments of communication within the fashion industry, from the early and iconic fashion magazines with their role as promoters of both new images and identity, through the importance of fashion photography to new and developing social media platforms and digital technologies. The means of communication used by fashions firms, brands and companies to communicate their identity will be discussed and challenges and opportunities the fashion business faces, such as sustainability, gender identify, and the importance of fashion influencers as new key communicators.

COMM 372: Social Media, Journalism, Public Relations                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Communications, Journalism, or Public Relations course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Communications

This course analyses the main aspects of the professions of Public Relations and journalism focusing on the writing techniques used by journalists and PR practitioners and on how journalists and PR practitioners use social media communication to reach a mass audience. The course also examines the similarities and differences of both professions as well as the ethical issues that both journalists and PR practitioners have to cope with. It teaches students the principle writing techniques and social media strategies that journalists, news organizations and PR firms use.

COMM 383: Made in Italy                                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level History or Economics course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Communications

Italy leaped from being mainly an agricultural based economy up until the post war era, to becoming one of the worlds’ greatest industrial entities and biggest global economies today. This course covers themes of contemporary Italian society that brought about that change, focusing on how traditional artistic and craft excellences were combined with technological modernization and the creation of a mass consumer society.  Italy’s achievements in fashion, interior design, industrial design, automobiles and advertising will emerge how designers and industrialists played a critical role in manufacturing an iconic Italian image, appealing to domestic and international consumers. Through social, cultural and anthropological approaches, this course sets out to detect the symbols of Italian identity.

ENGL 300: Travel and Identity                                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intermediate college level course in English Literature

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

This course introduces students to a variety of different forms of literary text which describe travel in Europe—from poetry and novel to travel writing and journals—but which also open up complex questions about the identity of travelers themselves. The experience of being exposed to new cultures and contexts can destabilize a traveler’s sense of their private self or cause them to reflect on how others perceive them in ways they would not at home. This course asks students to reflect on their own experience in weekly journal entries alongside responding to literary texts in essay and presentation work.

ENGL 340: Dante’s Journey                                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite:  One 200-level Literature course or an equivalent and a Research and Writing course or an equivalent, or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation:  3000 Level English

The aim of this course is an in-depth exploration of Dante’s works, Vita Nuova and his masterpiece, Divine Comedy, with references also to other works (Convivio). It will focus on both the poet’s philosophy and the events of his life, understand the origins of his poetic, his concept of love and his relationship with the town of Florence. It will also give to students a general understanding of the medieval background. Literary, historical and philosophical views will be addressed to better approach Dante’s poetry.

ENGL 350: Masters of Italian Literature                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: One introductory academic writing courses or equivalent, and one 2000 level writing or literature course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level English

This course aims to examine the works of the great Italian authors of the Italian Middle Ages and the Renaissance, focusing on both their historical, religious and political milieu and on their enduring influence on contemporary literature. Readings in translation will include Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio.

FNAR 140: Intro to Drawing                                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: No prior experience with drawing is required

School of Record Articulation: 1000 Level Studio Art

This course introduces students to traditional and contemporary drawing techniques and concepts. Students will practice figure drawing, structural drawing, and outdoor drawing in the city of Florence and in the surrounding areas, thus developing both technical abilities and creative responses to the assigned materials and subjects. A wide range of drawing media, such as lead, graphite, charcoal and ink will be experimented. Practical demonstrations, traditional lectures, group and individual critiques will be given throughout the course in order to develop students’ critical thinking skills. A studio fee is required for this course.

FNAR 150: Intro to Painting                                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 1000 Level Studio Art

This course is intended for students with little or no previous Painting experience. Students will learn how to handle brushes and mix colors in order to create the illusion of light, shadow, perspective, volume, and proportion. Students will explore different materials and the way to use them, different techniques and the way they have been used by famous master painters of different periods. Assignments will progress from specific exercises intended to build on techniques to complex projects which will include out of doors landscape paintings of the hills around Florence and of the beautiful gardens of the city but also still life and figure painting.

FNAR 240: Intermediate Drawing                                                                                        3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to Drawing or an equivalent drawing course or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Studio Art

This course is a continuation of Introduction to Drawing. It aims to reinforce basic drawing skills and introduces additional drawing media and techniques focusing on linear perspective, objects, spatial perception and human anatomy. Some classes and the relevant assignments will focus on a more realistic approach, others will focus on more conceptual approaches such as abstraction and surrealism. Emphasis is placed on the development of expressive and perceptual skills. A studio fee is required for this course.

FNAR 250: Intermediate Painting                                                                                        3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to Painting or an equivalent course or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Studio Art

In this course students work to develop their technical proficiency and emphasis is put on specific light related issues such as artificial lighting, candle lighting and side lighting. Students will continue to develop observational skills through assigned and independent painting projects which will include open air paintings of Florence and of the surrounding areas, and in studio works. Students at this level are encouraged to confront and to discuss their projects with the teacher and with other students. A studio fee is required for this course.

FNAR 260: Italy Sketchbook                                                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to Drawing or an equivalent course or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Studio Art

Students will acquire a broad grasp of the roles and aims of drawing as both an analytical and an expressive tool of artistic and communicative inquiry. Florence is at the center of the drawing process, which aims at exploring and communicating in a visual way the most peculiar sites of the city, from the Arno river to the art collections of the numerous galleries and museums of the town, also both indoor and outdoor sessions. The production of a sketchbook is an essential part of the course and it helps the students to record the city, create ideas, how drawing is an open and mobile tool for exploring reality. A studio fee is required for this course.

FNAR 340: Advanced Drawing                                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intermediate Drawing or an equivalent course or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Studio Art

This course aims to develop students' personal styles using all the knowledge and experience acquired in previous art courses. Students will develop and refine drawing techniques and concepts and be guided towards a better understanding of human anatomy for the purpose of artistic expression. Emphasis will be put on spatial perception, compositional structure, linear perspective, figure/ground integration. Students will work on complex assignments which will require not only strong technical skills but also critical thinking, and analytical abilities necessary to verbalize the conceptual projects from which they originated. A studio fee is required for this course.

FNAR 350: Advanced Painting                                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intermediate Painting or an equivalent or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Studio Art

This course is intended for students who already have a good grasp of techniques and concepts of painting. Students are guided to develop a personal style, expression, and analysis of the painting process while familiarizing with professional painting techniques and materials. The course includes outdoor painting in the most beautiful spots of Florence and work in the studio. Discussions and critiques are an important part of this course aimed to develop students’ conceptual skills, critical and visual vocabulary of art, creative expression. A studio fee is required for this course.

FILM/SOCI 350: Italian Society Through Film                                                                   3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory coursework in Film/Media or Sociology, plus Intermediate coursework in Italian Studies, Sociology, or Film/Media

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Film/Sociology

The course analyzes the evolution of the main aspects of Italian culture and society from the end of World War II up to the present day as portrayed in representative Italian movies. It examines the social significance of the most successful cinematic styles and genres belonging to the history of Italian cinema, such as Neorealism and the Commedia all’Italiana, and analyzes social phenomena such as the evolution of the family, Italian migration patterns and the relations between North and South that have shaped the cultural and political identity of Italian society.

HIST 345: Florence and the Medici                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: World History or an equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level History

This course covers the full history of the famous House of Medici from the humble beginnings of founder Giovanni di Bicci and his tyrant son Cosimo, to the extraordinary life of Lorenzo the Magnificent and the final collapse of the house of the Medici with the death of the last Medici Duke in 1737. The course uses primary source readings by such authors as Giovanni Villani, Niccolò Machiavelli, Agnolo Poliziano and Francesco Guicciardini to depict the life of Florence and of the Medici family as perceived by their contemporaries. Students will visit palaces, churches, museums, and galleries, which are relevant to the study of the Medici family.

HIST 380: History of Epidemics                                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory medical humanities or history, plus intermediate medical humanities (equivalent) or advisor approval.

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level History

This course explores the history of epidemics on a global scale, from antiquity to modern days. It will critically engage with classical medical theories, sickness and epidemics in the media and in literature, and it will cover the emerging ecological issues of the last decades, and how contagion affects different countries and cultures, for example discussing the impact of smallpox in the “New World”, the Americas; the spreading of cholera in the provinces of Asia and in Europe and then diffusion of AIDS in the African continent. Finally it will critically deal with contemporary pandemics such as COVID-19 and its effects on humanity.

HIST/CRM 350: History of the Mafia                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level History

This course analyses the evolution of the Mafia as a criminal enterprise from Italy’s national unification in 1861 to present. This course has an historical-political focus it follows a multidisciplinary approach, also the sociological aspect of Mafia not only viewing it as a form of organized crime. Consider the criminal justice and the fight against it, by critically examining the achievements and shortcomings of Italy’s government throughout the years, and the efforts, made by Italian law to enforce its fight against organized crime from the early 1990s onward. Its most recent developments are analysed in the last part of the course. 

INTN 305: Global Service Learning                                                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: Completion of two Humanitarian Action electives

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Arts & Science General Elective

The Global Service Learning course combines service in the local community with structured preparation and reflection opportunities. As students engage in service learning, they learn about the context in which service is provided, understand the connection between their service and their coursework, and their role as community members. Community work placement provides students from any discipline and majors with the opportunity to grow academically, professionally, personally and civically through participation in a service-learning experience. The course consists of 20 contact hours of seminars & workshops and 100 hours of supervised community service.

INTN 310: International Internship                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: Minimum GPA of 2.75 and two letters of reference from professors

Corequisite: Students are required to enroll in the 3-credit hybrid course SOCI 360 Italian Culture and Traditions

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level General Elective

The International Internship program combines practical work experience in a foreign country with structured preparation and reflection opportunities. The course aims at providing students of any discipline and majors with the professional skills required by today’s culturally diverse working environment. The placement opportunity will help students think about their own skills, those they would need to acquire according to their professional plans, and whether their own professional paths are coherent with their goals.

ITAL 101: Elementary Italian I                                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 1000 Level Italian

A thorough introduction to the Italian language for absolute beginners or students with little previous experience, the course teaches essential vocabulary and grammar and develops students’ ability to communicate in an authentic linguistic context.

ITAL 102: Elementary Italian II                                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: ITAL 101: Elementary Italian I, and/or minimum 70/100 score on the diagnostic test

School of Record Articulation: 1000 Level Italian

This course is designed for students with some knowledge of Italian. Starts with a review of basic grammar and vocabulary before progressing to more complex structures and functions. Conversation is a central part of every class, with opportunities for all students to practice listening and comprehension of authentic material as well oral and written production. They will also have a greater awareness of Italian culture and society. 

ITAL 110: Practice Speaking Italian                                                                                     3 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 1000 Level Italian

This course provides a balance between the communicative and structural elements of language learning to provide students with basic vocabulary and phrases to cope with authentic everyday situations. The course also offers a comprehensive overview of Italian culture.

ITAL 201: Intermediate Italian I                                                                                           3 Credits

Prerequisite: ITAL 102: Elementary Italian II, and/or minimum 70/100 score on the diagnostic test

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Italian

In this course students develop their ability to communicate effectively and accurately, making use of expanded vocabulary. Students practice conversation and improve listening and oral production skills in an authentic Italian context. The course covers cultural elements of the Italian society and lifestyle. Reading and writing exercises improve skills in understanding prose and writing letters and messages with appropriate vocabulary.  

ITAL 260: Basic Italian in its Cultural Context                                                                   6 Credits

Prerequisite: N/A

School of Record Articulation: 2000 Level Intensive Italian

This is an intensive Italian language course for beginners, with a focus on Italian language and a comprehensive view of the Italian culture. The course teaches essential vocabulary and grammar, develops students’ ability to communicate in an authentic linguistic context and enables them to deepen their understanding of the typical aspects of the Italian culture and customs.             

ITAL 301: Intermediate Italian II                                                                                          3 Credits

Prerequisite: ITAL 201: Intermediate Italian I, and/or minimum 70/100 score on the diagnostic test

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Italian

This course builds upon the abilities and knowledge acquired in Intermediate Italian I and develops them to enable students to understand and respond to complex lines of written and oral arguments. 

Students review complex grammar structures and work regularly on reading, composition, phonetics, syntax, and style assignments. Constant conversation practice enables them to communicate competently in Italian.  

ITAL 350: Masters of Italian Literature                                                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: One 200-level Literature course or an equivalent and a Research and Writing course or an equivalent, or Advisor Permission.

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Italian

This course aims to examine the works of the great Italian authors of the Italian Middle Ages and the Renaissance, focusing on both their historical, religious and political milieu and on their enduring influence on contemporary literature. Readings in translation will include Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio.

ITAL 401: Advanced Italian                                                                                                    3 Credits

Prerequisite: Four/five semesters of Italian, and/or a pass at ITAL 301: Intermediate Italian II, and/or a minimum 70/100 score on the diagnostic test

School of Record Articulation: 4000 Level Italian

This course prepares students to use advanced grammatical structures and vocabulary, and enables them to interact with the Italian world at a sophisticated level. Students practice understanding of complex lectures and arguments, in both written and oral form. They are expected to become fluent and spontaneous in their verbal interaction, as well as capable of presenting an argument, orally and in writing. 

MKTG 340: Marketing Today’s Fashion                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: Introductory Marketing, plus one 200-level Marketing course or equivalent and one Communications course or equivalent, or advisor permission

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Marketing

The marketing of a brand occupies a crucial role in the fashion industry; alongside the creative work of designers and stylists, successful fashion brands will also heavily depend upon marketing plans, publicity, communication and advertising strategies in order to develop their business and brand worth. This course will introduce students to the principles of fashion marketing and explore how the fashion industry faces challenges in the global market and is constantly striving to investigate unconventional and innovative tactics within the field of marketing.

MKTG 350: Marketing of Wine in Italy                                                                              3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to Marketing plus one 200-level Marketing course or equivalent and one Business course or equivalent, or Advisor permission.

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Marketing

Wine a cultural expression, a result of passion and tradition, or an art form? Or is it simply a business, and if so, what business? Wine has deep roots in our Western way of life and this course aims at exploring wine as both an agricultural product but also as a luxury product that is sold on markets. This course will equip students with skills and knowledge for the practice of wine marketing, and introduced to the use of consumer and market behavior theory, branding and service techniques and business-to-business theory.

MKTG 364: Marketing of Italian Luxury Fashion                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite: A Foundation of Business or a basic Marketing course is strongly recommended

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Marketing

Italian fashion occupies a prominent place in today’s globalized economy. This course explores how luxury and fashion have evolved in the past and how they are marketed to-day. For this purpose, we will analyze and discuss innovative and effective marketing strategies, branding and consumer behavior within the context of the consumption of luxury fashion products and services. The focus will be on key Italian luxury brands such as Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Valentino, and Versace. Field trips and visits to fashion retailers, corporate museums and design studios will allow students to acquire a first- hand knowledge of trend-setting marketing strategies developed by Italian fashion brands.

MKTG 374: Sustainable Fashion                                                                                          3 Credits

Prerequisite: Intro to Marketing and one 200 level marketing course and one business course, or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Marketing

Fashion is still making very little tangible progress in terms of sustainability. Emissions are still going up, circularity remains elusive, next-gen textiles have yet to scale, but on the other hand consumers are increasingly aware and their behavior reflects their choices. In order to remain competitive on the market, big and small brands will have to look to the future in a green sustainable way making ethical choices to improve corporate reputation and creating important business strategies to increase revenues. This course analyses the origins and history of this managerial theory and the context of sustainability in fashion.

PHOT 370: Street Photography                                                                                            3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Photography course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Studio Art

Capture everyday life in public places, create realistic images focusing on the way people act and interact with each other and the environment, also learn how to use visual intelligence, skills and strategies to create meaningful images that reflect different multicultural realities. Skills from its origin to Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helen Levitt, and Robert Frank will be analyzed. Also provides a strong on–site component to identify meaningful ‘local' subjects and acquire confidence in photographing people on the streets in a variety of situations. Required: A digital single lens photographic camera (DSLR): 10,0 megapixels minimum with an optical zoom lens at least 3X and a laptop

PSYC 310: Cross Cultural Psychology                                                                                  3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Psychology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Psychology

Explore human behaviour from the social point of view and in a cross-cultural perspective, both in theory and practice, cross-cultural psychology, through elements of sociology, ecology, anthropology, biology, sociology, discuss the shaping and deployment of human attitudes, behaviour, values, communication process and social organization. Specific attention will be devoted to issues such as the individual vs the social, mental health and crosscultural communication. Field research, conducting interviews on topics related to their own study abroad experience while visiting various locations in Rome and Italy. The research as a practical tool of the course, apply methodologies of inquiry focusing at studying how relationships and behaviour in cross-cultural contexts take shape.

PSYC 311: Organizational Psychology                                                                                3 Credits

Prerequisite: One 200-level psychology course or equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Psychology

The course explores psychology as it is applied to the workplace. Through lectures, experiential exercises, readings, case studies, reflections, and teamwork, students gain a thorough understanding of individual behavior, group functioning, and organizational processes and dynamics. The importance of self-awareness, conflicts, communication and the impact of technology, dealing with uncertainty, substance abuse within an organization, individual and organizational growth, are among the themes analyzed. The course will enable students to develop critical acumen and creativity in seeking implementable and effective solutions to real problems in the workplace.

RLST/HIST 310:  Comparative Religions                                                                             3 Credits

Prerequisite:  Introductory and intermediate world religions courses, or equivalent

School of Articulation:  3000 Religious Studies

The course explores the entire panorama of world religions, from a comparative perspective and using methodologies from various, related disciplines. Ancient Roman, Greek, Eastern religious traditions, as well as the three monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – and the polytheistic religious systems – Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism – will be discussed and analyzed along with current developments and the “new-age” religions. Religious, historical, anthropological, sociological, philosophical approaches will be considered to discuss the evolutions of religions and central religious issues, such as the problem of evil, free will, the construction of organized religious institutions, and the shaping of religious identities.

SOCI 300: Service-Learning for UNESCO in Florence                                                      3 Credits

Prerequisite: Completion of two Humanitarian Action electives, or instructor permission

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

The Service-Learning for UNESCO in Florence course, which is provided in collaboration with the Club for UNESCO Florence, combines service in the Florentine community with structured preparation and reflection opportunities. As students engage in service learning, they learn about the local and national context in which service is provided, understand the connection between their service and their coursework, and their role as community members to support the Club for UNESCO Florence spreading the organization’s principles and reaching the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Community work placement at the Club for UNESCO Florence provides students from any discipline and majors with the opportunity to grow academically, professionally, personally and civically through participation in a service-learning experience. The course consists of 20 contact hours of seminars & workshops and 100 hours of supervised community service.

SOCI 345: The Role of Women in Italy                                                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite:  Intro to Sociology plus intermediate sociology course (or equivalent), or advisor approval

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

The life of Italian women is intrinsically linked to the history of family and its centrality in Italian society. While traditionally the social and economic condition of women often manifested itself through domestic labor or in function of the family, this course will explore how social conditions have changed for women in areas such as work and career, health and political representation. In tracing the transformation of Italian society, this course will touch upon areas such as the progressive independence of Italian women and modification of gender roles in the Italian society; of feminism and of media representation of the female imagine.

SOCI 353: Soccer and Italian Identity                                                                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

Analyzing the role of soccer in Italian society the course provides unique opportunities to investigate and understand the multidimensional features of contemporary Italian identity. Through sociological lenses, the course examines the role of soccer within Italian history, culture, politics, media environment, and social change. The main focus is on the socio-cultural dynamics of the relationship between soccer and Italian society. Field trips to matches at the local soccer stadium are an essential part of the course. Students can have field experiences and interpret the social dynamics of sporting events, adopting a comparative, cross-cultural perspective.

SOCI 360: Italian Culture and Traditions                                                                            3 Credits

Prerequisite: One college level Sociology course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

Discover some of the key elements of the great social changes and cultural issues that came about in Italy during the post-war period. From 1950 on, a sense of new beginning and the birth of what later would be known world-wide as the Italian Style, would characterize most spheres of productive and cultural life such as fashion, design, film and music. The coexistence of tradition and innovation has been a main feature in contemporary Italy; and will focus on Italian cultural expressions like food ways, Italian cuisine and wine, and the impact of change in relation to new dynamics in family life, gender roles in popular beliefs and superstition.

SOCI360H: Italian Cultures and Traditions (Hybrid)                                                       3 Credits

Prerequisite: One 200-level Sociology course or an equivalent and a research and writing course or an equivalent

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

This course aims at discovering some of the key elements of the great social changes and cultural issues that came about in Italy during the post-war period. From the early 1950s on, a sense of new beginning and the birth of what later would be known world-wide as the Italian Style, would characterize most spheres of productive and cultural life such as fashion, design, film and music. The coexistence of tradition and innovation has been a main feature in contemporary Italy; this course will focus on Italian cultural expressions like food ways, Italian cuisine and wine, and the impact of change in relation to new dynamics in family life and gender roles, in popular beliefs and superstition.

SOCI 364: Magic, Religion, and Popular Beliefs                                                               3 Credits

Prerequisite: Recommended an Introduction to Philosophy or Religion course

School of Record Articulation: 3000 Level Sociology

The course is based on an interdisciplinary approach focusing on the sociological and anthropological analysis of the role of magic, witchcraft, and the supernatural in various religious and cultural contexts in both past and contemporary world. It will critically engage with classical theories, considering positivism and the first ethnographic studies. Differences and similarities between Magic and Witchcraft will be analyzed. The role religion plays in human experiences of sickness, death, and uncertainty will be explored along with a discussion of contemporary pagan religions and unconventional beliefs.