Master of Public Administration

The Fairfield University Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is a 36-credit program. It is designed for those working in the public and nonprofit sectors, recent college graduates, or those looking for a career change. Our MPA program provides students with the opportunity to obtain essential skills needed to address pressing public issues, including expertise in fiscal management, public policies, project administration, grant-writing, analytics and human resource management. These subjects form the core of the Fairfield MPA Program.

Fairfield’s program also requires that students complete a five-course specialization in an aspect of public administration that matches their professional goals, whether it be in nonprofit management, state and local government, emergency management or healthcare administration. The Program is completed through a three-credit seminar in public administration. Students engage in research, which is conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Working professionals in this exciting field examine pressing social, ethical, and professional issues and develop strong leadership abilities for advancement in their chosen fields.

The Masters in Public Administration program at Fairfield University hosts the MPA Summit every spring. This forum brings citizens, students, public administrators, community leaders, and state and local officials together to participate in constructive dialogue on matters that directly affect our community. MPA students have increased access to the Summit providing a key opportunity for networking.

Fairfield's state-accredited program is ideally suited for students interested in a public administration degree. Students in this program will study current theories, trends, and issues related to the field of Public Administration and will engage in active learning, critical reflection and experiential practices that are the hallmarks of a Jesuit education. Courses emphasize theory, research, and application to advance careers in the following areas:

  • National Government
  • State Governments
  • City Governments
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Healthcare Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Private Research

As a graduate student in this program, students will work closely with faculty to tailor their curriculum to their personal, professional, and academic goals. The MPA program offers flexibility for students' busy schedules and provides the highest quality graduate educational experience.

To earn the Master of Public Administration degree, students choose from a range of courses that have been designed specifically for the MPA program and may also take up to one course in allied areas.

Students, in consultation with the program director, select courses to suit their academic, personal, and career goals.

PUAD 5400Data Analysis for Public Administrators3
PUAD 5405Introduction to Public Administration3
PUAD 5410Financial Management and Budgeting3
PUAD 5415Human Resource Management 13
PUAD 5420Research Methods3
PUAD 5425Administrative Leadership and Ethics3
PUAD 6999Capstone Experience3
Elective Courses
Select five courses from a specialization of choice, listed below15
Total Credits36

Students may substitute one of the following courses for PUAD 5415:

MGMT 6505 or MGMT 6525


In addition to required courses offered by the MPA program, students will choose one specialization from the following areas:

City/State Management Track

PUAD 5435Grant Writing3
or DATA 6520 Analytics Consulting and Strategy
PUAD 5440State and Local Government3
PUAD 5445Urban Policy3
Total Credits15

Emergency Management Track

PUAD 5435Grant Writing3
or DATA 6520 Analytics Consulting and Strategy
PUAD 5460Introduction to Public Safety Administration3
PUAD 5465Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery3
Total Credits15

Health Administration Track

NURS 7602Healthcare Economics and Marketing3
PUAD 5435Grant Writing3
or DATA 6520 Analytics Consulting and Strategy
PUAD 5455Healthcare Management3
Total Credits15

Nonprofit Track

DATA 6520Analytics Consulting and Strategy3
PUAD 5430Economics of the Nonprofit Sector3
PUAD 5435Grant Writing3
Total Credits15

Public Administration Electives

PUAD 5430Economics of the Nonprofit Sector3
PUAD 5435Grant Writing3
PUAD 5440State and Local Government3
PUAD 5445Urban Policy3
PUAD 5455Healthcare Management3
PUAD 5460Introduction to Public Safety Administration3
PUAD 5465Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery3
PUAD 5470American Public Policy3
HCAD 6100Introduction to the United States Healthcare System3

In addition to the MPA courses listed above, students may take one of the following elective courses in Communication:

COMM 5321Communication Processes in Organizations: Negotiation3
COMM 5324Crisis Communication3
COMM 5340Conflict Communication3
COMM 5343Ethics and Medical Marketing Communication3
COMM 5347Communication in Healthcare Organizations3
COMM 5348Health Risk Communication3
COMM 5488Health Risk Communication3
COMM 5502Small Group and Team Communication3
COMM 5524Negotiation and Conflict Management: Communication Approaches3
COMM 5532Nonprofit Media3
COMM 5547Healthcare Organizational Communication3