School of Record
A School of Record (SOR) is a function of a U.S. accredited institution of higher education that officially documents and awards credits for programs or institutions that are not accredited in the U.S., verifying appropriately all elements necessary for such official documentation. As the SOR, Fairfield (1) maintains the permanent records of students, (2) certifies that students are enrolled full time to agencies such as financial aid, insurance companies, and/or lending institutions, and (3) posts study abroad credits and grades to SOR transcripts as institutional credit, not transfer credit.
The SOR Articulation Committee reviews syllabi and CVs to ensure they meet Fairfield University standards and oversees the articulation process of the courses. Members of the SOR Articulation Committee are also included in the regular review of new and existing SOR partners through site visits to and reviews of education abroad programs. Site visits are conducted to assess that facilities are adequate for the delivery of education abroad programs; that staff and faculty are adequately trained for providing education abroad programs; and that academic and advising services and facilities adequately support student learning and the academic goals of the program.
Fairfield University serves as the official SOR for the following institutions and programs: