Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

Application Fee (non-refundable) $65
Tuition (Master of Public Health) $925 per credit
Tuition (MSN) $995 per credit
Tuition (Dual Degree MSN/MBA) $995 per credit
Tuition (Master of Healthcare Administration) $1,040 per credit
Tuition (Doctor of Clinical Nutrition) $1,170 per credit
Tuition (DNP Anesthesia, non-cohort students) $1,210 per credit
Tuition (DNP Anesthesia, Summer 2023 cohort) $11,375 per semester
Tuition (DNP Anesthesia, Summer 2024 cohort) $11,375 per semester
Tuition (All other DNP programs) $1,135 per credit
Registration Fee $50 per semester
Graduate Student Activity Fee $65 per semester
Nursing Testing Fee (MEPN) $130 per semester
Nursing Lab and Clinical Fee (MEPN) $145 per semester
Nursing NCLEX Review Fee (Fall Only, MEPN) $255 per semester
Clinical Placement Fee (DNP: Family, Psychiatric, Midwifery; MSN: Family, Psychiatric) $165 per semester Fall and Spring
Health Assessment Clinical Exam Fee (NURS 7604 - Required for FNP Students) Approximately $400
Nursing ECCO Fee (NURS 4360/5360) $250 per semester
Red Stack Direct $24 per credit
Promissory Note Fee $40
Returned Check Fee $35
Graduation Fee $200
Transcript $15

Austin Campus Indirect Estimated Expenses

Housing Fall and Spring $9,791 Summer $3,265
Food Fall and Spring $4,196 Summer $1,399
Books/CM/Supp/Equip Fall and Spring $1,000 Summer $500
Transportation Fall and Spring $2,903 Summer $968
Miscellaneous Fall and Spring $9,500 Summer $3,168
Total Fall and Spring $27,390 Summer $9,300

Fairfield Campus Indirect Estimated Expenses

Direct Expenses and Indirect Expenses are two vital parts of the "Cost of Attendance" or budget. Direct Expenses are charges that a student will incur on their billing statement from the Bursar's office. Indirect Expenses are other cost that a student will incur on their own while attending Fairfield University.

Housing Fall and Spring $10,770 Summer $3,591
Food Fall and Spring $4,616 Summer $1,539
Books/CM/Supp/Equip Row Fall and Spring $1,000 Summer $500
Transportation Fall and Spring $3,193 Summer $1,065
Miscellaneous Fall and Spring $10,450 Summer $3,485
Total Fall and Spring $30,029 Summer $10,180

The University's Trustees reserve the right to change tuition rates and the fee schedule and to make additional changes whenever they believe it necessary.

Full payment of tuition and fees or designated payment method must accompany registration for summer sessions and intersession. For the fall and spring semesters, payment must be received by the initial due date.

Transcripts and diplomas will not be issued until students have met all financial obligations to the University.

Monthly Payment Plan

During the fall, spring, and summer terms, eligible students may utilize a monthly payment plan for tuition. Initially, the student pays one-third of the total tuition due plus all fees and signs a promissory note to pay the remaining balance in two consecutive monthly installments.

Failure to honor the terms of the promissory note will affect future registration.

Reimbursement by Employer

Many corporations pay their employees' tuition. Students should check with their employers. If they are eligible for company reimbursement, students must submit a letter on company letterhead acknowledging approval of the course registration and explaining the terms of payment. The terms of this letter, upon approval of the Bursar, will be accepted as a reason for deferring that portion of tuition covered by the reimbursement. Even if covered by reimbursement, all fees (registration, processing, lab, or material) are payable by the due date.

Students will be required to sign a promissory note acknowledging that any outstanding balance must be paid in full prior to registration for future semesters. If the company offers less than 100-percent unconditional reimbursement, the student must pay the difference by the due date and sign a promissory note for the balance. Letters can only be accepted on a per-semester basis. Failure to pay before the next registration period will affect future registration.

Refund of Tuition

All requests for tuition refunds must be submitted to the appropriate dean's office immediately after withdrawal from class. Fees are not refundable. The request must be in writing and all refunds will be made based on the date notice is received or, if mailed, on the postmarked date according to the following schedule. Refunds of tuition charged on a MasterCard, Visa, or American Express card must be applied as a credit to your charge card account.

Note: Online course refunds are calculated such that each calendar day, beginning with the first day of class, is considered a scheduled class meeting.

10-15 Week Courses

Official Withdrawal Date Refund % of Charge
7 days before first scheduled class 100
6 days or less before first scheduled class 80
Before second scheduled class 60
Before third scheduled class 40
Before fourth scheduled class 20
After fourth scheduled class 0

6-9 Week Courses

Official Withdrawal Date Refund % of Charge
7 days before first scheduled class 100
6 days or less before first scheduled class 80
Before second scheduled class 40
Before third scheduled class 20
After third scheduled class 0

1-5 Week Courses

Official Withdrawal Date Refund % of Charge
7 days before first scheduled class 100
6 days or less before first scheduled class 80
Before second scheduled class 40
After second scheduled class 0

Refunds take two to three weeks to process.

Federal Leave of Absence Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure Fairfield University is following federal regulation, 34 CFR 668.22(d), regarding the process for students requesting a leave of absence.

For students who have federal financial aid, a leave of absence (LOA) must meet certain conditions to be counted as a temporary interruption in their educational plans instead of being counted as a withdrawal requiring the school to perform a Title IV return calculation. If the temporary LOA doe not meet the conditions as stated in 34 CFR 668.22(d), the student is considered to have ceased attendance and to have withdrawn from the school. The school will be required to perform a Title IV return calculation.

According to federal regulation 34 CFR 668.22(d), the following conditions must be met in order for our office to process an approved LOA for Title IV purposes:

  • The student must apply/request the LOA in advance unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.
  • The student must follow the school’s policy for requesting the temporary LOA.
  • The LOA cannot be granted for academic reasons (ex: to keep a student from failing).
  • The LOA, together with any additional leaves of absence, must not exceed a total of 180 days in any 12-month period.
  • There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the LOA.
  • A student returning from a LOA must resume coursework at the same point in the academic program/courses that he or she was at when the LOA began.*
  • The school may not assess the student any additional institutional charges, the student’s need may not increase, and therefore, the student is not eligible for any additional federal student aid.
  • If a student is a Title IV (federal financial aid) recipient, the institution must explain the requirements and regulations of their financial aid status (grace period, repayment, etc.) PRIOR to the school granting the LOA. The information that will be provided will include the financial consequences if the student fails to return from the LOA.**

Fairfield University may grant a temporary LOA that does not meet the conditions to be approved as a Title IV LOA. In the event a student is approved for a LOA that does not meet the conditions of a Title IV LOA, the student will be reported as WITHDRAWN for the purposes of Title IV (federal) financial aid. Title IV loan recipients must complete exit counseling. Monthly payments may begin when the grace period ends, typically, six-months from the date it was determined that the student was withdrawn. Students may apply for either a qualifying forbearance or deferment with their student loan servicer.

A student approved for a federal financial aid LOA that meets all of the conditions stated above is not considered to have withdrawn and no return of Title IV funds calculation is required. Students granted an approved federal financial aid LOA will be considered on an approved LOA and in an in-school status for Title IV repayment purposes.

*Completion of Coursework upon Return

In as much as approved leaves of absence are viewed as temporary interruptions in a student's attendance, a student returning from a LOA must do so at a time when he or she can complete the work which they missed during the LOA in order to complete the payment period and be eligible to receive a second or subsequent disbursement. Therefore, in order for a LOA to be an LOA, the school must allow a student returning from an LOA to complete the coursework that he or she began prior to the LOA.

The school may permit a student to return to class before the expiration of the student's LOA in order to review material previously covered. However, until the student has resumed the academic program at the point where he or she began the LOA, the student is considered to still be on the approved LOA. The days the student spends in class before the course reaches the point at which the student began his or her LOA must be counted in the 180 days maximum for an approved leave of absence. A student repeating coursework while on LOA must reach the point at which he or she interrupted training within the 180 days of the start of the student's LOA.

**Student Who Fails to Return from LOA

If a student does not return to the school at the expiration of an approved LOA (or a student takes an unapproved LOA), the student's withdrawal date is the date the student began the LOA.

If a student on an approved LOA fails to return, the school must report to the loan holder the student's change in enrollment status as of the withdrawal date. One possible consequence of not returning from a LOA is that a student's grace period for a Title IV program loan might be exhausted. Therefore, in order for a LOA to be an approved LOA, prior to granting a leave of absence, a school must inform a student who is a Title IV loan recipient of the possible consequences a withdrawal may have on the student's loan repayment terms, including the exhaustion of the student's grace period.

University Merit or Need-Based Aid Policy for Withdrawals

Students are approved for voluntary or medical withdrawal by taking the appropriate steps as prescribed in the Academic Policies section of this catalog. Students that are receiving University financial aid will have their University need-based and merit-based aid prorated based on the following schedule:

Official Withdrawal Date % of University Aid Earned
Before first scheduled class 0
Before second scheduled class 40
Before third scheduled class 60
Before fourth scheduled class 80
After fourth scheduled class 100

Note: For courses meeting for less than a full semester (15 weeks), financial aid entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.

Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy

The Financial Aid Office is required by federal statute to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60 percent of a payment period or term. Federal Title IV financial aid programs must be recalculated in these situations. You must begin enrollment in the semester in order to be eligible for a federal student aid disbursement. Withdrawal before the semester start will result in cancellation of federal aid. 

If a student leaves the institution prior to completing 60 percent of a payment period or term, the Financial Aid Office recalculates eligibility for Title IV funds. Recalculation is based on the percentage of earned aid using the following Federal Return of Title IV funds formula: percentage of payment period or term completed equals the number of days completed up to the withdrawal date, divided by the total days in the payment period or term. (Any break of five days or more is not counted as part of the days in the term.) This percentage is also the percentage of earned aid. Funds are returned to the appropriate federal program based on the percentage of unearned aid using the following formula: aid to be returned equals 100 percent of the aid that could be disbursed, minus the percentage of earned aid, multiplied by the total amount of aid that could have been disbursed during the payment period or term.

If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, the institution would be required to return a portion of the funds, and the student would be required to return a portion of the funds. Keep in mind that when Title IV funds are returned, the student borrower may owe a debit balance to the institution. If a student earned more aid than was disbursed, the institution would owe the student (or parent in the case of a PLUS loan) a post-withdrawal disbursement which must be paid within 180 days of the student's withdrawal. Students (or parents in the case of a PLUS loan) due a post-withdrawal disbursement will be emailed and mailed a notice to reply no later than 14 days of the date of the notice to confirm or refuse the disbursement. No reply will indicate a refusal of the disbursement. The institution must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date of the determination of the date of the student's withdrawal. Refunds are allocated in the following order:

  1. Federal Direct PLUS Loans
  2. Unsubsidized Direct Loans


The Spring semester begins on January 16, 2024. Sarah Smith is enrolled in a Master of Arts and Sciences Program and began the official withdrawal process with her dean. It was determined that her official withdrawal date would be March 7, 2024. The total number of days in the Spring semester are 107. Sarah completed 51 days of the semester or 47.7%. Sarah had a total federal aid disbursement of $4,357.00. Seeing that Sarah only completed 47.7% of the Spring semester, she also earned only 47.7% of her Spring financial aid ($4,357.00 x 47.7% = $2,078.29). The amount of Title IV aid to be returned is calculated:

$4357.00 - $2,078.29 = $2,278.71

Next, the institution must also determine the percentage of unearned charges based on the total semester charges for the period in which the student will withdraw. First, add the total semester charges. For this example, Sarah’s total semester charges is $5,935. Sarah did not attend the full semester (100%). To determine the portion of the semester that Sarah attended, subtract her percentage completed from the total: 100% - 47.7% = 52.3%. To determine Sarah’s unearned charges, the school would calculate unearned charges in the following manner:

$5935.00 x 52.3% = $3,104.00

Compare the amount of Title IV aid to be Returned above to the amount of unearned charges. The lesser amount is the total of unearned aid that the school is responsible to return. The amount returned is based on the amount disbursed (which may vary by students and their graduate program) and in accordance with the schedule above. If the amount returned in direct loans is less than the total amount in direct loans disbursed to the student, resulting in earned loan funds or in unearned loan funds that the school is not responsible for repaying or both, Fairfield University will notify the loan holder of your withdrawal and withdrawal date. The resulting loan must be repaid in accordance with the terms of the student’s promissory note. Fairfield University will return the loan funds within 45 days of notification from the University Registrar of a student’s withdrawal.

Students will be mailed a notice of withdrawal from the Office of Financial Aid which will include a copy of the student’s withdrawal calculation indicating the amount returned by Fairfield University and the amount that is the responsibility of the student.

Financial Aid


A limited number of part- and full-time University graduate assistantships are available to assist promising and deserving students. Assistantships are awarded for one semester only and students must reapply each semester for renewal of an assistantship award. Renewal of an award is based on academic performance and previous service performance, and is at the discretion of the hiring department. Graduate assistantship information may be found online.


Advanced Education Nursing

A limited number of Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships, made possible through federal legislation, are available through the Egan School for Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwifery students. The Division of Nursing of the U.S. Public Health Service awards these funds to universities on a competitive basis, and they provide funds to be used toward tuition and fees for full-time students or students in their last year of their program. For information, please contact the Egan School graduate office.

Nurse Anesthesia

A limited number of Nurse Anesthesia Traineeships, made possible through federal legislation and available only to Nurse Anesthesia students, may be available to second-year Nurse Anesthesia students through the Egan School. The Division of Nursing of the U.S. Public Health Service awards these funds to universities on a competitive basis, and they provide funds to be used toward tuition and fees for full-time students. For information, please contact the Egan School graduate office.

Federal Direct Loans

Under this program, graduate students may apply for up to $20,500 per academic year, depending on their educational costs.

When a loan is unsubsidized, the student is responsible for the interest and may pay the interest on a monthly basis or opt to have the interest capitalized and added to the principal. There is a six-month grace period following graduate or withdrawal before loan payments begin. For information on current interest rates and loan origination fees, please visit the Federal Student Aid website.


Step One:

  • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online, indicating your attendance at Fairfield University (Title IV code 001385).

Step Two:

  • Complete the required Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN) online.
  • Submit Student Authorization form

Step Three:

  • Review, accept  or decline your offered Federal Loans via your Net Partner portal, If you are declining your federal loans, then no further action is needed after you have declined the loan.
  • Financial Aid administrators at Fairfield University will process your loan when your file is finalized, it has been determined that you are eligible for federal financial aid and the Step Two requirements have been satisfied.
  • You will be notified of the approval of the loan via the Notice of Loan Guarantee and Disclosure Statement which will be emailed from the Department of Education to the email addressed used to establish your Federal Student Aid ID (FSAID).

Loan Disbursement

  • If you are a first time borrower at Fairfield University, your loan will not disburse until you have completed all requirements listed in Step Two.
  • Your loan will be disbursed according to a schedule established by Fairfield University and federal guidelines. It will be made in two installments for the year and transferred electronically to your University account.
  • Loans cannot disburse until all eligible classes have started and a student is enrolled in at least six credits.
  • A student may only receive federal financial aid for coursework that is needed for degree completion.
  • The total amount of the funds (minus any origination fees) will be outlined in the Notice of Loan Guarantee and Disclosure Statement sent to you by the Department of Education.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 203-254-4125 or

Alternative Loans

These loans help graduate and professional students pay for their education at the University. For more information, please visit our website.

Tax Deductions

Treasury regulation (1.162.5) permits an income tax deduction for educational expenses (registration fees and the cost of travel, meals, and lodging) undertaken to: maintain or improve skills required in one's employment or other trade or business; or meet express requirements of an employer or a law imposed as a condition to retention of employment job status or rate of compensation.

Consumer Information

Per the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, student consumer information may be found on our website.


Veterans may apply GI Bill® educational benefits to degree studies pursued at Fairfield University. Veterans should consult with the Office of Financial Aid regarding the process and eligibility for possible matching funds through the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Yellow Ribbon program, as well as Fairfield's Veterans Pride grant. Information about the program, including free tuition for some veterans, is available on our website. The School Certifying Official, located in the Office of the University Registrar, will complete and submit the required certification form for all veteran benefits.

VA Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code § 3679 (e), Fairfield University adopts the following additional provisions for any student using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) or Veteran Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31) benefits.

While payment to the University is pending from the VA, Fairfield University will not prevent the student's enrollment, assess a late payment fee, require the student to secure alternative or additional funding, or deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the university.

In order to qualify for this provision, such students are required to provide a Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent), or for Chapter 31, a VR&E contract with the school on VA Form 28-1905 by the first day of class.

Notes: Chapter 33 students can register at the VA Regional Office to use eBenefits to receive the equivalent of a Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility. Chapter 31 students cannot receive a completed VA Form 28-1905 (or any equivalent) before the VA VR&E case manager issues it to the school.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at